How to Water your Garden During a Hose Pipe Ban

How to Water your Garden During a Hose Pipe Ban

In July 2022, the Met Office named the weather in England the driest since 1911. With more extreme weather forecasted, the risk of a future hose pipe ban is high.

During these bans, gardeners will likely be unable to water their gardens using a hose pipe, spray gun or sprinkler. Risking a £1,000 fine if found breaking the rules.

So, how can you keep your gardens watered and thriving during a hose pipe ban?

A Micro Drip or Drip Line Irrigation System uses up to 90% less water than manual watering methods and is Exempt From Hose Pipe Bans! When fitted with a Pressure Reducing Valve & Timer.

*This information is based on guidance at the time of writing and you should always check the guidance from your local authority before running any irrigation during a hose pipe ban.

Install a Water-Saving Drip Irrigation System

Micro Drip or Drip Line irrigation systems are usually exempt from hose pipe bans and can still be used to water your garden. As drippers deliver water directly to the plant’s roots with pinpoint accuracy, this efficient application uses up to 90% less water versus watering using a garden hose.

In 2020, the Thames Water final drought plan advised systems that “…place water drip by drip directly onto the soil or beneath the soil surface, without any run off or dispersion of water through the air using a jet or mist” are acceptable to use during a hose pipe ban.

Whilst Micro Sprinklers, Sprays and Misters cover a large area, they are not an approved watering method as they don’t drip water into the soil like Drippers do.

Micro Drippers & Drip Line target the roots, delivering water slowly without saturating the soil to eliminate surface run-off and water wastage onto the foliage or surrounding areas.

Not only do dripper systems ensure water is delivered directly to the root zone, they enable a soak time to minimise water loss through evaporation.

Drip Line & Micro Drip Irrigation Systems can be Used to Water the Garden During a Hose Pipe Ban

Build a Hose Pipe Ban Approved System Tailored to your Garden

Install a Timer at the Start of an Irrigation System to Make it Hose Pipe Ban Approved

Water timer (Essential Requirement)

Install a Timer at the start of your system to enable programmable watering cycles that automatically shut off water flow. Schedule your timer to water early morning or late evening to minimise water loss through evaporation.


Rain Sensor (Optional Extra) – Maximise water savings by installing a Water Timer compatible with a Rain Sensor. This device synchronises communications to monitor & skip the watering cycle on rainy days.

Pressure Reducer (Essential Requirement) 

Combat pressure surges & optimise the performance of drippers to minimise the risk of emitter blowouts, leaks around connection points and ensure uniform water application.

Micro Drip & Drip Line Kits 

HydroSure kits arrive complete with everything you need to install your irrigation system. Simply add a Water Timer & Pressure Reducer to make it Hose Pipe Ban Ready!

Drip Line or Micro Drip

Drippers emit water on the soil surface with the option to drip underneath the soil if using a Drip Line system buried under a layer of mulch making them an advised irrigation solution during a hose pipe ban.

Supply Pipe & Connectors

A watertight pipe network further protects against water wastage. For extra protection against pipe dislocation, install a Ratchet Clamp at each connection point or use Nut Lock Connectors capable of operating at higher pressures.

End Plug

An essential component of any irrigation system, install at any open end to maintain pressure within the system and prevent water flooding.

Irrigation Filters

Make watering more efficient by connecting an In-Line Filter before the Drip Line or Micro Drippers are installed. A filter prevents emitters from becoming blocked with debris ensuring optimal performance without dry spots.

Shop HydroSure at Water Irrigation